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trishit78's github profile

A Web project that creates a similar use case webpage of IMDB Website, using React,Tailwind CSS,Material UI,TMDB API

Google Clone

akshaykamath45's github profile

This is a Google Clone application built with reactjs JS, featuring a home page, search component, and search results page. It utilizes reactjs JS, Material UI, reactjs Router, and Context API for efficient UI development and state management. The application integrates with the Google Custom Search API for fetching search results. firebase is used for authentication and backend functionalities.

Tweet Generator

RaviSolanki27's github profile

Create personalized Twitter post images with custom usernames, user IDs, tweet content, and profile pictures using this Next.js app built with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.


slayerrr12's github profile

clones i have created for learning purpose in my web dev journey

Dragon-Dino Game

akshaysoni10's github profile

A dragon-dino game in which a dino is jump over a dragon and a scoreboard at the top is automatically increases.

Gpt-3 X Web Clipper Chrome extension

abhrajitray77's github profile

reactjs Chrome Extension with GPT-3 integration and Webpage text clipping


tedante's github profile

Google Spreadsheet API Helper is a Node.js package that provides a helper for simplifies the process of accessing, retrieving and updating data from Gsheet using the Gsheet API.

YouTube Bookmark Chrome Extension

abhinav-m22's github profile

The project is a Google Chrome extension for adding Bookmarks of YouTube video timestamps. Users can bookmark a video at particular timestamp and resume watching it later.

Color World

psykat1116's github profile

A website to explore different colors, their shades and theme.

Advance Rock_Paper_Seesor Game

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the project that contains html, css and JS code and this is the advance Rock_Paper_Seesor game using DOM_Manipulation.